Launchpad consistently strives to reduce and prevent youth homelessness by enhancing young people’s capacity to fully participate and engage in the community.


Angela Buckfield

Executive Officer

Angela has over 18 years experience in the Human Services Sector and Non-Government Organisations. Her experience is in Team Management and Case Management, predominantly with high needs youth and families. Angela’s strengths are in engagement and complex needs.

Email Angela

Emily Hampton

Manager, Casework Team

Emily is a Case Manager with over 10 years’ experience working in the Youth Sector.
Emily’s experience is in Out of Home Care, Mental Health, Assertive Outreach, Team Management and Homelessness.
Emily’s strengths are in mental health and working with young people who have complex needs.

Email Emily

Sally Curtin

Office Manager

Sally has over 11 years experience working in frontline administration at homelessness, drug and alcohol, and youth services. Her strengths lie in client engagement, team support and office management.

Email Sally

Bianca Martin

Community Engagement Coordinator

Bianca has enjoyed working for over 6 years in the Community Service Sector, primarily with Young People in the Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation space. She is a qualified Sexual Health Educator, liaising closely with at-risk youth who happen to be within the Justice System, and much of her time has been spent on reconnecting these youth, by helping to reintegrate them back into the wider community.

Bianca has spent much of her professional time working closely at a grass-roots level within the community, Utilising an holistic case management approach; Bianca is passionate about supporting, and being an advocate for young people, who are on their path to reintegration and healing.

Email Bianca

Bianca Zara

Outreach Case Manager, Sydney Youth Homelessness Hub

Bianca has over six-years experience both working and volunteering in the Community service sector with not-for-profit organisations in the Sydney area.

During this time Bianca has a worked extensively with young people specifically those who are experiencing homelessness and in residential care and emergency accommodation setting.

Bianca specialises in working with clients who are in crisis and assisting with rap around care and support.

Bianca’s strengths include assisting clients with complex needs and compacity building using a therapeutic strengths-based approach whilst advocating and supporting clients to ensure they reach their goals and reach their full potential.

Email Bianca

Tatch Bollard

Outreach Case Manager, Sydney Youth Homelessness Hub

Tatch has worked with young people for over 9 years. Tatch started with working on soccer camps with disadvantaged communities and then went into working on a Boys Ranch as a counsellor/activity director. It was there that he learnt critical skills in handling youth who have come from traumatic backgrounds and how to support and assist their situation so that they can regain themselves and strive for a better future. When COIVD hit Tatch started to focus more on the needs of the homeless youth sector and worked as a youth worker to help those who are homeless and teach them the life skills to get them into the next stage of their lives. Tatch has experience in working with drugs and alcohol, mental health, mentoring and counselling.

Email Tatch

Ren Caskie

Outreach Case Manager, Sydney Youth Homelessness Hub

Ren has been working in the community service sector for 7 years in various roles focused on drug and alcohol misuse, mental health, juvenile justice, out of home care, and homelessness. Ren is particularly passionate about supporting young people in the LGBTIQA+ community find safe accommodation and supports. Ren’s strengths are in advocacy and working alongside young people with complex needs.

Email Ren

Rea Kay

Outreach Case Manager,
Young Parents Program

Rea has over 10 years’ experience working in the community services sector primarily working with young parents, women and children escaping Domestic and Family Violence and Youth Homelessness. Rea has worked in the non-government sector during this time.
Rea’s strengths include advocacy, positive engagement, and inclusiveness.
Rea is passionate about social justice principles and empowering the individuals she works with.

Email Rea

Joseph Tohilima

Tenancy Case Manager

Joseph has been working in the social work field both as a statutory and community caseworker for over 20years working with child youth and families. His strengths are in advocacy, communication and being positive. He is passionate about working with the youths in providing a platform that can help our young people create a pathway for the betterment of their future.

Email Joseph

Kiara Bletsas

Assertive Outreach Case Manager

Kiara is a Case Manager with experience in the Community Services sector who is passionate about supporting and advocating for vulnerable populations. Kiara’s experience is in Youth Homelessness, in both crisis and transitional accommodation settings. Kiara’s strengths consist of working with clients who are in crisis and clients with complex needs. Kiara has worked within the Inner City, Inner West and St George areas supporting young people who homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Email Kiara

Sam Deylami

Finance Officer

Sam has been serving as the Finance Officer of Launchpad Youth Community since 2015. He holds an undergraduate degree in Management and an Advance Diploma of Accounting. He is a registered BAS agent and member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) as well as the Institute of Financial
Accountants (IFA). He has extensive experience as an accountant and financial consultant, particularly in non-for- profit organisations.

Email Sam

Nikita Byrne

Outreach Case Manager, Young Parents

Nikita has been working in the Community service sector for over 8 years. From working with adults and young people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, to working with young people in OOHC care in Australia to now working with young people and young parents escaping domestic and family violence and youth homelessness.

Nikita is a qualified Social Worker and understands the importance of advocating for people that need support and ensuring they maintain a good quality of life even though they have been faced with many obstacles.

Nikita specialises in working with young parents to find them stable accommodation and supporting them to maintain a healthy and stable life for themselves and their children. Nikita’s strengths are advocating for young people and supporting them to have a voice in their community.

Email Nikita

Launchpad Board of Management

The Launchpad Board of Management are highly experienced local community members who undertake governance responsibility for the organisation.

Read our Code of Conduct for Board of Management members

Toni Ottavio


Toni Ottavio, is a Registered Nurse with over 25 years experience working in neuroscience, mental health and health service management across public, private and not for profit sectors. Toni is currently employed as General Manager in Uniting Hope and Uniting Recovery programs which include specialist homelessness services, mental health and psychosocial services, community living support, Lifeline Western Sydney and Responsible Gambling counselling across Nepean to the Central Coast. Toni Ottavio has participated on working parties developing NSW Work Health and Safety Roadmap for NSW 2022, NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-21. Toni is a current youth mental health first aid trainer. Publications: A clinical staging model for early intervention in Youth Mental Health(2014) S Cross, D Hermens, E Scott, A Ottavio, P McGorry, I Hickie.

Bill Ma


Sharon Stanford


Santanu Lodh

Ordinary Member


Launchpad collaborates with a number of individuals, organisations, government departments and businesses. All with the common goal of maximising opportunities for young people.


The Department of Communities and Justice who provide the core funding for Launchpad services.

The City of Sydney Council who provide funds for the Brokerage Program and a position for Assertive Outreach.

Housing NSW who offer accommodation options for young people and young families.


Metro Community Housing who are our key partners in providing affordable housing to young people across Sydney.

Women’s Housing Company who provide affordable housing to our young people across the City of Sydney.

Amaelie Housing who provide affordable housing to our young people across the City of Sydney.

Bridge Housing who provide transitional housing to our young people across the City of Sydney.


YWCA NSW is a consortium partner for the Sydney District Young Parents Homelessness Service.

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand is a consortium partner for the Sydney District Young Parents Homelessness Service. (Sydney Young Parents Program).

The Noffs Foundation is a consortium partner for the Inner City Sydney Homelessness Prevention and Support Service for Young People. (Sydney Youth Homelessness Hub).